Exposure 2018
Small mention of the upcoming Reconciliation show in the Calgary Herald
Mount Royal University 'Reconciliation' to tackle impact of Residential Schools

New show opening February 1, 2018 and running until the 28th as part of the Exposure Photography Festival.

Reconciliation - A Group Art Exhibition featuring the work of George Webber
I will be curating a year long show hosted at Mount Royal University opening February 2018. Please see details of the open call here
12 Calgary Based Instagram Accounts to Follow

Exposure 2015
Really excited to have our exhibit, Made in YYC, included in this years Exposure Photography Festival. I look forward to the festival...

Made in YYC
Made in YYC is a collaborative project between myself, Shaun Ford, and Barbara Blakey now showing at Shaun Ford & Co. 715 11th Avenue SW,...